How to get instant glow on face at home

                            How to get instant glow on face at home

  Turn to the kitchen to get a quick glow on your face


Suddenly a function call comes or you have to go to a party!
How to do a quick facial with the things found in the kitchen

Then every woman immediately thinks of such a facial, as a result of which the skin may be clear and the natural glow also comes, in such a situation instead of getting upset in the situation, Find daily used things present in the kitchen, the benefits of which are incalculable and the harm is nothing, if suddenly you have to go somewhere, then emergency mask and facials can be prepared at home itself, seeing the results of which you yourself. You will be surprised to make this facial a part of daily routine,

 How to do a quick facial with the things found in the kitchen, let's know it step by step, for a quick facial,

 First massage your face with some oily cream ( or curd) Lightly on the tips of the fingers Massage while applying pressure, now after 15 to 20 minutes clean the face, after that someone

Now take hot water by an open-mouthed vessel, or steamer with the help of a towel, lift yourself up  and covering yourself, take steam on the whole face, keep the distance between the steam vessel and the face at least 1 foot, Very good on the face. After sweating, clean the face with a tissue and spray rose water on the face. Do not rub the face. To bring a glow on the face, add milk, lemon juice, honey and plenty of tomato juice to the gram flour as per the need,

 Now mix this face mask very well and apply it on the face and neck, when half dry, now soak the finely chopped cucumber in milk and put up the eyes. after 15 minutes, massage the face in a circular motion with the help of fingertips, after that wash the mouth, now after this massage the cream of milk on the dark circles of the eyes for 5 minutes and clean it with a tissue, Now wash the face with a good face wash and spray rose water, with this application the dark spots under the eyes will be removed and there will be a glow on the face and the face will look like blossoming and now you are in the party or in the function can be ready to go....(and you are also ready to do the makeup of your choice)

Some more kitchen Tips

Curd is the best natural cleanser,

The Kitchen Become A Beauty Clinic Explanation Every question seems strange but the answer is yes, Unlike artificial beauty products, these natural products do not harmful side effects.

 Here are the common things that can be used to increase the attractiveness

Egg is a special blessing for your beauty. It is as useful for face and hair as it is for food. After washing your face with lukewarm water, it will keep your skin healthy and fresh. Egg white z1 is the best cleanser. Apply it on the scalp half an hour before washing your hair. Then apply shampoo. Wash with it, it will create shine and elasticity in the hair

Tea Soaking cotton wool in tea water and placing it on the eyes relieves eye fatigue and creates a new glow in them. After crying, pouring tea water on the scalp makes the hair shiny.

Salt Before going to bed at night, put a little salt in lukewarm water and soak your feet in it. By doing this, the fatigue of the whole day will be removed and the feet will be smoother and cleaner.

Castor oil is very beneficial for the hair, apply it in the hair after heating it slightly before sleeping at night, then squeeze a towel soaked in hot water and tie it on the head, this will reach the oil to roots of hair, It is beneficial for eyelashes and eyebrows too.

Honey is a great moisturizer for the face, applying it on the face refreshes the face, if your skin is oily, then mix honey in an egg and apply it on the face and wash it after a while if your skin is dry, then a little milk in honey and apply on face, A spoonful of honey mixed with bath water, bathing removes the fatigue of the whole day and sleeps well at night.

Cabbage Cut the cabbage and boil it in some water, then cool this water and wash the face with it, this will make the skin of the face better and healthy, By applying on the withered and dry skin becomes fresh and alive

Orange Dry the orange peels, grind them finely and sieve, after that prepare a paste by mixing it with milk and instead of soap, wash it in the morning and evening or apply it on the face a few minutes before washing and wash with water. The face will shine by doing this day

Carrot is very beneficial for distance and dry skin, boil carrot in some water, cool it and mash it well, apply it on the face and hands and wash it after 10 minutes, the skin of your face should be soft and shiny.

 Tomato removes skin blemishes, apply tomato juice on the face brings freshness and shine

Curd is the best natural cleanser, it cleans the skin by opening the pores and scores and removes the residue, rub the same lightly on the face for 20 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water, both dry and oily skin. is beneficial for all types of skin.


Turn to the kitchen to get a quick glow on your face.

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